Let us be seated
in the light of the moon
till the stars vanish into the brilliant sun.
Let us imagine
with absolutly no limitations but the ones we set for ourselves
to daydream extensively.
Let us converse
like when we were mere adolecents like an unscripted play
uttering anything that came to mind.
Let us gape
through their eyes
and through the eyes of he who has seen more than we can concieve
Let us watch
as our entire world together
comes crashing down like a bomb holding by a thread of gravity, still there.
Let us convulse
and remember the past
with all the charred bridges to leave behind, start anew.
Let us perform
on the stage of society
as the young want to be us, and the grown ups thank us.
Let us be
the future knowing not what to become
as a small thoughtful gift waiting to be unfurled.
Friday, June 13, 2008
To: The Trees.
This morning I woke up to the beautiful sun shining through my windows. My sister was long gone on her way to Bonaroo, I only wish I could go. Im going to the beach tomorrow, thankgod. I have a lot to sort out in my head, the long drive might help clear things up. I have been going outside a lot lately, the fresh air makes it a lot easier to think. I can imagine anything while im out there. When Im laying in the grass it makes me feel better, the trees, the clouds, the leaves can never judge me, they understand. Mother nature will listen, and i know, they wont tell a soul either.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Philosophy Zipper

Eventually you'll read this, all I wanted to say is that I'm going to miss you like crazy. From Kindergarden through 8th grade, i've known you forever. You taught me a lot over those years. 6th grade Social Studies class with Ms. Jennings was the shit. Even when I was a little dork who had absolutly no social skills you still managed to say hi. Ever since that day in S.S. I have beenable to call you a great friend. Now that your leaving I am beyond sad. I know you'll make a hundred friends, and i would list all of our insiders but there is a limit to how many charecteristics there can be. We'll deffinetly keep in touch. Love you, kidd.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A secret, something you choose to keep hidden. Beneath the smile, laughter, happiness, can be the biggest secret. I choose to keep mine to myself. No telling a soul. I broke my promise, and I told. It was terrible, but to the one I told my secret to, thank you. I am absolutly certin that you will not tell anyone, and that's the biggest favor anyone could ever do for me. Most people I would tell would be shocked, others would look at me in a different light. But you, you have seen me when no one else has, thank you. You listend and i know, my secret is safe with you.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I love you.
I love you.
You mean the world to me.
I can't describe how much you mean to me.
I can tell you anything.
Your secrets are safe with me.
I adore you.
Your more than I could ever ask for.
Your perfect.
I feel safe when I'm with you.
My hearts beats faster when I see you.
I can't take my eyes off of you.
Your like a warm blanket comforting me in anything.
My love, it's a shame,
You don't exist.
You mean the world to me.
I can't describe how much you mean to me.
I can tell you anything.
Your secrets are safe with me.
I adore you.
Your more than I could ever ask for.
Your perfect.
I feel safe when I'm with you.
My hearts beats faster when I see you.
I can't take my eyes off of you.
Your like a warm blanket comforting me in anything.
My love, it's a shame,
You don't exist.
Little black box.
I haven't written in ages, and it's quite alright with everything that goes on in this crazy ass world of ours. My box has been filling up, rapidly. Everything has been changing, OH! how i hate it. I have no idea what is going on anymore. I can't cheat myself out of being young, but it's almost to much to handle. My box is telling me to slow down, and remember to breath. The items in my box are of great significance, old tickets, torn up notes, faded pictures, they all mean the world to me. I don't think i could ever love anyone or anything more than that box. The little black box that sits in the back of my closet has secrets. The little black box in the back of my closet is filled to the brim with stories. The little black box in the back of my closet is my life.
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