Friday, June 13, 2008

Old Poem.

Let us be seated
in the light of the moon
till the stars vanish into the brilliant sun.

Let us imagine
with absolutly no limitations but the ones we set for ourselves
to daydream extensively.

Let us converse
like when we were mere adolecents like an unscripted play
uttering anything that came to mind.

Let us gape
through their eyes
and through the eyes of he who has seen more than we can concieve

Let us watch
as our entire world together
comes crashing down like a bomb holding by a thread of gravity, still there.

Let us convulse
and remember the past
with all the charred bridges to leave behind, start anew.

Let us perform
on the stage of society
as the young want to be us, and the grown ups thank us.

Let us be
the future knowing not what to become
as a small thoughtful gift waiting to be unfurled.

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