Thursday, March 27, 2008

Diversification now.

Sometimes im confronted with situations to grand for my being. I won't understand their purpose. Im to young or juvinile to comprehend what they are trying to tell me. I am not. I apprehend well beyond my years. The girls who tend to appreciate more are the ones a little more off beat, or mabye it's just the way we carry ourselves. We DON'T do what people want us to and we don't follow crowds, I guess it's just not our thing.

Forever plus a day was the time I began the pursuit to unearth who I am, as a person and as an adolecent. I quickly found out I was at odds with the people around me. When wearing skirts and frilly tops was the drift I began to attire baggy pants and loose fitting tee shirts. I was the happiest I had been in a long time.

Middle school, It changes everything. From who you are at your root and core to the leaf at the tallest branch. I soon transtitioned into somone who I was not. I was at the lowest point in my life.

To this day I regret giving into the pressure. Now though, I have modified who i am for the better. No more mainstreem. I am whoever I want to become, and as of this far Im content in not knowing who that is.

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