Monday, July 27, 2009

Sell sell sell.

SO I haven't written in a while, amazing, huh?
I mean, I was on a roll for a while and then it just stopped.

Anyway, camp and Europe have ended and I am spending my days at home.
I've decided to sell a lot of my stuff to earn some more ca$h for my car fund. It's really coming along, at least I like to think so. I think I'm going to have a yard sale and whatever I can't sell from that is going to go on craigslist. I mean, I have a lot of junk. It'll be a way to get rid of a lot of things that have been collecting dust. I'll live. I think my old clarinet will make a good couple hundred bucks. The thing looks brand new, and it's never been dropped. Also it comes with like a thousand reeds. Great deal, I know. I was thinking about selling the guitar too, but I can't do it. I've been thinking of taking lessons anyway. I'll be sure to post if I have a yard sale soon.

I'm going to write more tonight, I can just feel it.

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